Wanting to save old furniture from being thrown away, Arliya started the Refurbished Furniture Business

Image Credit: QS wow news
Entrepreneur Name: Arliya Munif, (Age: 17)
Business Name: Refurbished Furniture Business, Kedah, Malaysia
Arliya wanted to inculcate the 3 Ps- People, Planet & Profit in her entrepreneur course. A believer in sustainability, she founded the business opportunity in 'Refurbished Furniture Business'. The innovative idea of selling refurbished furniture prompted Arliya to inculcate the 3Ps – People, Planet and Profit, an entrepreneurial spirit, she learned in her Entrepreneur course. A believer in sustainability and that everyone has a responsibility and can contribute to taking care of the planet, Arliya noticed and seized the business opportunity in ‘refurbished furniture business’ initially by retaining, repairing, and restoring used furniture to its functional condition before reselling them