Rustington teenager Alba Braham starts soap business to support school World Challenge trip

Entrepreneur Name: Alba Braham, (Age: 14)
Business Name: eccopop, Rustington, England
While some of the teens were busy in making their schedule to enjoy in lockdown some were doing productive things. Alba Braham is one of the entrepreneurs who expected to schedule her entry into the entrepreneur life before lockdown but the pandemic came like a storm.
Alba got to know that now she cannot achieve it easily. But after a great hard work, she designed a website where she can screen her soaps. She got more than 180 views in the starting day.
Her mum, Jodie Braham said: “My daughter was tasked with raising £2,550 for the trip. She was feeling shy about asking people to donate money to her cause, so she wanted to make something to give them in exchange for their donations.” Her mother also added that she got 25 orders in the first week and 60 were sold out. She took the help of his father for hosting website and did the design and build of the website herself. Aer mother also said that she did all of the product development, manufacturing, marketing, website, payment processing, packaging and shipping herself. She even said that her daughter wants to donate an amount to the people living in their beside community who cannot afford those.
Her soaps were packed under eco-friendly principles. Before corona, she decided to expand her business if ever do by going out to customers. Or even guessed chances of getting customers. But this pandemic hit the world and she worried a bit at first. But now she is making good profits.