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Teenager Startups - Mahsa Riar 6th grade teenpreneur and CEO of Limitless Limb

Supported by New Abilities Foundation

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Curated Story :
Mahsa Riar

Mahsa Riar to offer prosthetics at an affordable cost

Mahsa Riar Limitless Limb LLC
Image Credit: Loudoun Chamber

Entrepreneur Name: Mahsa Riar, (Age: 11)

Business Name: Limitless Limb LLC, Leesburg, VA, USA

Mahsa Riar creates personalized, creative, and expressive prosthetics for children with limb differences using 3D technology. She intends to offer 3D printed, robust prosthetics at an affordable cost. Limitless Limb will help children to live better, with the ability to manage various tasks. While prosthetic limbs typically set families back thousands of dollars, Limitless Limb founder, Mahsa Riar, created a functional limb for just a fraction of the cost.

Source (Loudoun Chamber):

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