'STEM'- Introducing young scientists to the world, inspires young girls

Entrepreneur Name: Whitney Bowen, (Age: 24)
Business Name: Fem ‘n STEM, Virginia, United States
Missing out on extracurricular activities in this unexpected break due to pandemic, Whitney decided to share her love for science with other girls by launching Fem ‘n STEM which delivers hands-on, science-themed kits for girls in grades 3 to 6. Her startup aims to help young girls, also stuck at home due to the pandemic, to get excited about science.
Her first box was about chemistry named “Get Crazy with Chemistry”. It had all the materials required to make a lava lamp, magnetic slime, and bouncy balls. She is planning her next box on the theme “Space is Stellar.”
Growing up Whitney was always a part of some or the other science group and would have loved such boxes to feed her curious mind. She aims to motivate girls to take up more STEM courses and break the stereotypes linked with them. It's very much needed now during a time when science, medicine, and technology are more critical than ever.