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Teenager Startups - Teen named Trailblazer at GirlBoss Awards

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Curated story:
Gina Dao-McLay’s

Teen named Trailblazer at GirlBoss Awards

Gina Dao-McLay’s
Image Credit: Dayton Daily News

Entrepreneur Name: Gina Dao-McLay’s, (Age: 18)

Business Name: Make it 16 Campaign, Wellington, New Zealand

The GirlBoss Awards, honour girls and women aged 11-18 and work towards empowering women in New Zealand. This year Gina Dao-McLay’s won the Trailblazer award at the 2020 GirlBoss Awards for her "Make it 16" campaign. She was one of the eight winners.

Young people nowadays are surrounded by media and are aware of the many issues their generation would face in future. That's why Gina believes that voting rights should be given to students aged 16 as the decisions made today are going to affect them the most.

While campaigning Gina always had a doubt about entering politics, she answered it with "If not me, then who?"

Source (Dayton Daily News):

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