St Albert teen starts Baking Business during pandemic.

Entrepreneur Name: Valeria Fonseca, (Age: 16)
Business Name: Val Cakes, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
What are you doing when you were 16? Probably having fun with friends, playing games and chatting with friends!! If you are so concerned then you could continue doing good in class and get good grades. This teen who is just 16-year-old girl made her hobby into the passion of business. St. Albert teenager is turning her passion for baking from a pandemic pastime to small business success. Fonseca is the teen we are talking about till now. A Valeria Fonseca,16, began baking last spring after COVID-19 closed the door on everyday life and making good profits. She started her entrepreneurship page in the giant business world during a pandemic.
She grew her passion into a business. She also works with her mother crafting and helps her mother in delivering their tasty treats. What's Valeria's role in the business? What does she do? She takes the "She takes the orders, she's on Facebook, her mother is always with her helping for writing, to tell the customer she has to take, to sell. Catherine, Valeria's mother helps her a lot in the whole process. She was the one who promoted the business by posting her daughter's works on a St. Albert chat group, and the "Val Cakes" have been selling strong ever since. Valeria was born with Down syndrome, has found her passion. Her mother also said that "I know in the future she can continue with her dream." Valeria is saving her earnings and says she plans to spend some of it on new dresses.