Founder of CYBIOT, Ryncavage opted out of college to develop his business.

Entrepreneur Name: Ryncavage, (Age: 19)
Business Name: CYBIOT, Plymouth, United Kingdom
While dropping out is still a taboo in society Ryncavage decided to opt-out of college and focus on developing his business which he started before entering highschool. His company CYBIOT, a cybersecurity software company was the first to receive a check $50000 from the 1517 fund.
The 1517 fund of the silicon valley venture capital firm is meant for entrepreneurs like Ryncavage who chose not to attend college and work independently on their ventures. It will help CYBIOT with experimentation and final development of the product which is set to launch this November. CYBIOT’s mission is to provide cybersecurity solutions that won’t require a team of engineers at an affordable range. They aim to create software that can be installed by most technology illiterate users without demos or need to buy costly equipment.
Along with this Ryncavage is also a part of the Borough Council that gives immense importance to community revitalization and attracting young people. Working with the council has been a great learning experience.
Ryncavage believes that any 20-year old’s identity shouldn’t be confined to their college. He says we need to normalize gap years, dropouts, and opting to work. In his works “We will run out of plumbers before we run out of MBAs”.